ICA of ANAS hosted an event dedicated to the World Civil Defense Day


The Civil Defense Office of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives at ANAS organized and held an event dedicated to the World Civil Defense Day, which was attended by the leadership and staff of the institute.

Opening the event the director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev spoke about the goals and objectives of civil defense. He noted that the main task of civil defense was to teach the population to observe special rules of behavior and use personal protective equipment in emergency situation. In this regard he stressed the importance of people observing  the rules during landslides and earthquakes in Baku.

Huseyn Dunyamaliev, Chief of the Civil Defense Office of the Institute speaking at the event informed about the coronavirus pandemic in the country. He noted that in this situation, everyone had to strictly observe the rules of the quarantine regime and responsibly fulfill their duties. Noting that ensuring the emergency preparedness of the population is one of the main tasks of the civil defense authorities, he stressed the importance of a strong civil defense system to protect the national economy.