The scientific activity of laboratories and scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS was assessed


A regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS took place today. The director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev first of all presented certificates to Doctors of Science in Technics , Professor H.Javadova and Associate Professor Elmira Nagieva, who were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS for scientific and public activity.

Farzaliyev said that the scientific activity of the institute’s laboratories and researchers had been evaluated for 3 years: “The goal is to strengthen the activity of the institute as a whole in accordance with the main scientific directions by creating healthy competition between laboratories and researchers.” He noted that the assessment took into account the main elmmetric criteria within the framework of international standards: “For 2020 there were calculated the scientific works of each researcher published during the year – monographs, articles published in prestigious foreign journals and local journals, conference proceedings, patents, such indicators as training of highly qualified personnel, citation, H-index, participation in international and republican scientific conferences, etc., as well as was made a separate rating list of laboratories and scientists ”.

The director of the institute marked  that the three best scientists would be awarded diplomas and cash prizes. According to him, these indicators will be taken into account in the accreditation of laboratories and the certification of researchers.

Deputy Director for Research of the Institute, Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Associate Professor A.Sujayev, Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Mehpara Safarova, Heads of Laboratories – Professor Hagigat Javadova, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Associate Professor Elkhan Isakov, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor Elmira Nagieva expressed their views on the issues discussed and made their proposals.