Important fundamental and applied scientific results were obtained in 2022 at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives


Employees of academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022 on 12 topics and 36 stages covering one priority area and one problem using modern capabilities of fine organic synthesis and computer modeling, by developing the scientific foundations of synthesis and technologies for obtaining additives with various functions that improve the performance properties of lubricating oils, fuels and special liquids for various purposes, physiologically active substances, corrosion inhibitors and surfactants, the creation of high-quality lubricating oils and special liquids, by conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of identifying new sources of raw materials for their production and the effective use of existing sources, important scientific results have been obtained.

This was stated  by the executive director of the institute, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Afsun Sujayev at the meeting of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS.  According to him 7 most important (5 fundamental, 2 applied) results of research conducted on these topics at the institute during the year were presented for inclusion in the “Report on the activities of ANAS in 2022”: “2 of the fundamental results are related to international research conducted jointly with scientists from the Ataturk  and Bartin Universities, Turkey, the University of Florence, Italy, King Said University, Saudi Arabia and the Irkutsk academician A. Favorsky Institute of Chemistry of SB RAS “Creation of new generation inhibitors that inhibit metabolic enzymes associated with some global diseases ” and “Obtaining enzyme inhibitors with potential therapeutic effects against Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes” and “Molecular docking”. The synthesized new heterocyclic compounds showed high inhibitory properties against the following enzymes: acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes I and II (CA I, II) in a living organism. As a result of numerous analyses, including studies of “Molecular Docking”, it was revealed that in the future, representatives of these inhibitors with separate functional groups will be used in some of the global diseases that are widespread in the world, including epilepsy, duodenal obstruction and gastric ulcer, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes, could be used as potential drugs for the treatment of the diseases.

A.Sujayev noted that another important result was obtained as outcome of the study conducted by Ibadulla Mahmudov, a doctoral student of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives at the University of Lisbon, together with his colleagues from Portugal: “In other words, using complex methods of organic synthesis and the latest capabilities of computer chemistry, an important result dedicated to the detailed structural analysis of new potential drugs obtained as a result of one-step multicomponent reactions using X-ray diffraction analysis and Hirsfeld surface analysis”.

The Executive Director reported that an important result obtained in connection with the synthesis and research of more effective organic reagents with tribological properties is that the synthesized new compounds show high effect  in lubricants, and these properties are determined depending on the chemical composition and structure of substances : “Another important result obtained by us in the synthesis and study of effective inhibitors is that the effectiveness of the created new inhibitor against corrosion of metals in acid medium  is much higher than commercial inhibitors used for this purpose.”

Speaking about the important applied results obtained at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, A.Sujayev emphasized that the additives synthesized by the scientists of the institute he represents, (VNIINP-714, OLOA-218A, AMOKO-9230 and MASK), are much better than their foreign counterparts. “At the same time, during the reporting period, our institute created a highly alkaline multifunctional additive that is more effective than industrial analogues containing sulfur and carboxylate in terms of anticorrosion, antioxidant and detergent properties,” — he said.


Sujayev noted that the importance of fundamental scientific results is explained by the publication of articles in prestigious journals of the world with a high impact factor, and getting about 100 references to them by world scientists in a short period of time: “And the importance and innovativeness of applied research that can serve the development economy and increase the country’s defense capability, are confirmed by patents, successful laboratory tests and application tests.

According to the executive director, the production of the Depressator-AKI additive, developed at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives and produced at the Ashgar Scientific-Production Union, which is used in the transportation of highly paraffinic oils (oil supplied to the Sangachal terminal from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan) through the Baku -Ceyhan Pipeline, which from time to time continued under the supervision of the institute and the additive was provided to the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan in thousands of tons: “Including by making some changes to the component composition of M-12BБ  brand motor oil developed by the Institute of Chemistry of Additives for Marine Diesel Engines and produced at H.Aliyev Refinery, the performance properties of this oil have been significantly improved.”

Speaking about the scientific and publishing activities of the Institute’s employees in 2022, A.Sujayev said that 186 scientific papers of great scientific significance were published, including 2 monographs: “The number of articles published during the year was 46 (20 in foreign journals, 14 in republican journals, 12 in conference proceedings). The number of articles published in journals included in  Thomson Reuters database is 16, and in journals included in  РИНЦ database – 9. In the reporting year, the Institute emploees participated in 26 scientific conferences with 139 abstracts and 12 articles: 130 abstracts were published and 10 articles at 17 republican conferences, 9 abstracts and 2 articles at 9 foreign conferences. During the reporting period, the number of references by world scientists to articles by the Institute’s employees made more than 300. At the same time, in 2022, the Institute received a positive decision on the publication of 3 Azerbaijani patents and 13 inventions. During this period, 18 applications for inventions were prepared and sent to the Center for Patents and Trademarks of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A.Sujayev  gave information about the training of highly qualified personnel, the Institute’s international cooperation relations, accelerating the integration of science and education, scientific missions, participation in local and international events, various incentive events held to increase the interest of young people in science, awards, etc.

As a result, the report was accepted.