An entrance exam for doctoral studies at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS


An entrance exam for doctoral studies in the specialty “Organic Chemistry” was held at academician A.Guliyev  Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS.

The exam was attended by one applicant who submitted documents to the doctorate  in the specialty “Organic Chemistry”.

An examination commission was set up at the institute to conduct the exam for the preparation of doctors of philosophy. The chairman of the commission was the director of the Institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev, the members were deputy director for science, doctor of science in chemistry, prof. Mirza Movsumzadeh, Scientific Secretary, Ph.D. Mehpara Safarova, Head of the Department of Education, Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor Raya Najafova, Head of the Laboratory “Fine Organic Synthesis”, Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Professor Sabir Mammadov, Senior Researcher of the laboratory “Corrosion Inhibitors”, Ph.D. Sabira Sardarova and Head of the Laboratory “Theoretical Basis of Synthesis and Action Mechanism of Additives “, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists Ph.D., Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev.

During the 2-hour exam the applicant answered 50 questions.

The exam was successfully completed.