The Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS has expanded scientific cooperation with the Irkutsk A.Favorsky Institute of Chemistry


The Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS has expanded scientific cooperation with the Irkutsk A.Favorsky Institute of Chemistry of  Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to the institute, the scope of international joint research conducted within the cooperation agreement has been expanded. Under  the agreement, the antioxidant and enzyme-isoenzyme inhibitory properties of 8 substances synthesized in the laboratory of heterocyclic compounds of the Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry were studied in detail in the laboratory  of Theoretical Foundations of the Synthesis and Mechanism of Action of Additives  of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives  and important scientific results were prepared in the form of 2 articles and published in reputable foreign magazines.

According to the information, 14 new substances have already been submitted for the next stage, and molecular docking of their antioxidant, antitumor, and isoenzyme activity in various enzymes for pathological processes is currently underway.

Despite the fact that laboratory research was suspended due to the quarantine regime in both Russia and Azerbaijan because of  coronavirus pandemic, members of an international research group established between the two institutes conduct online video discussions and consult on scientific results.