Young scientists are nominated for leadership positions at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS

A regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS  took place today. Opening the event in accordance with the requirements of the quarantine regime, Deputy Director of the Institute for Research, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev informed about the agenda. He said that a vacancy was announced for the post of head of the laboratory “Fine organic synthesis” and a young specialist of the institute, senior researcher, PhD in Chemistry Sevgili Ismail gizi Mammadova was recommended for this position: “As you know, an important element of the reforms carried out in ANAS is also attracting talented young scientists and specialists to leadership positions. Taking into account this factor, the management of the Institute of  Chemistry of Additives also gives preference to young employees when choosing leadership positions in the relevant departments and laboratories. Currently there are about 50 young people working. All young people with advanced degrees and academic titles are assigned to vacant positions.
The deputy director spoke about the main directions of scientific activity and achievements of Sevgili Mammadova, and also noted that her doctoral dissertation was at the completion stage and that she could contribute to the work of the institute if the members of the Academic Council showed confidence. Then a secret ballot was held, and with the unanimous positive opinion of the members of the Council, S.Mammadova was elected the head of the laboratory “Fine organic synthesis”.
Then, at the meeting, the topic of the dissertation and the scientific supervisor of Lala Ashraf gizi Mehdiyeva, admitted to the defence this year for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy were approved, and the report of the dissertator Rahima Farhad gizi Mammadova for 2020 was adopted and thus she was recertified.
Scientific Secretary of the Institute, PhD in Chemistry Mehpara Safarova, Heads of Laboratories – Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Professor Parvin Mammadova, Doctor of  Science in Technics, Professor Agigat Javadova, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor Elkhan Isakov and others expressed their opinion on the issues discussed in agenda.