Scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS have synthesized additives which significantly improve the properties of lubricating materials


The next article by Academician Vagif Farzaliyev, the Director General of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Afsun Sujayev Executive Director, Chemistry, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Ph.D. Khuraman Efendiyeva in co-authorship with other colleagues was published in the authoritative foreign journal “Chemistry Africa”, issued by “Springer”, which is included in the world-famous international scientific database “Web of Science”, (https: // links). 10.1007 / s42250-022-00331-6).

The article is devoted to the synthesis of bisalkylxanthonogens with ether and complex ester groups in the molecule as a result of interaction of 2-acyloxy-1,3-dichloropropane and 2-butoxymethoxy-1,3-dibromopropane with subanthobic methane derivatives of xanthogenates. The interrelationship between the effectiveness of the resulting compounds and their composition and structure has been revealed. It has been established that  inclusion of ether groups in the composition of S-alkyl radicals, contained in bisalkylxanogens, significantly increases the tribological effectiveness of lubricants.