Online defense of dissertations of undergraduates-chemists has been taken place


The online defense of the dissertations of 3 master students of academician Yusif Mammadaliyev Institute of Petrochemical Processes (IPP), 2 master students of academician Ali Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA) and 1 master student of the Institute of Radiation Processes (IRP) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) has been taken place. The defense was chaired by the director of the ICA, academician Vagif Farzaliyev. The academician-secretary of ANAS, corresponding member of the Academy, professor Aminaga Sadigov, director of the IPP, academician Vagif Abbasov, head of the Department of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in Economics Fail Kazimov, the head of the Magistracy Department of ANAS, PhD in Agrarian Sciences Fikret Feyziev, members of the Defense Council, heads of Educational departments of the respective institutes, masters and their supervisors participated at the defense on the Zoom platform. 2 masters students specializing in “Petrochemistry”  and 1 person specializing in “Environmental Chemistry ” from the IPP; 2 master students from ICA specializing in “Organic Chemistry” and 1 master student from the IRP specializing in “Chemistry of Natural and Physiologically Active Substances” presented their master’s theses for discussion. Broad discussions were held on the topic of each dissertation. Based on the results of the assessment, it was decided to award the master students corresponding master’s degree.

It should be noted that 2 second-year master students specializing in “Organic Chemistry” from the ICA have completed their master’s thesis on the topic: Lala Aliyeva “Synthesis and research of new derivatives of thiocyanates” and Nargiz Majidi “Synthesis and study of acetophenone as a three-component reaction product with thioglycolic acid and amines” . The results of the study were published in prestigious foreign journals. Their leaders were the deputy director for scientific work, Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev and chief scientific worker, Chemistry Sabira Sardarova.

