Annual individual work plans of each researcher of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS will be analyzed

A regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS was held. Speaking at the event in accordance with the requirements of the quarantine regime, Deputy Director for Research, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev noted that after April 15, the management will hold separate meetings with employees of each laboratory, individual plans will be analyzed. The goal is to increase the activity of laboratories in accordance with priority areas, to encourage researchers to scientific work.
Reporting on the issues on the agenda A.Sujayev noted that this year, having successfully passed exams in foreign language, philosophy and specialty, Aliyeva Lala Namid gizi in the specialty “Organic Chemistry” and Alishanbeyli Gunay in the specialty “Petrochemistry” were admitted to full-time doctoral studies at competition for PhD degree. The topics of dissertations and scientific advisors of both doctoral students were approved by voting of the members of the Academic Council. Then, some changes in the composition of the Academic Council were discussed and adopted. Scientific Secretary of the Institute, PhD Mekhpara Safarova, heads of laboratories – Tech., Professor Agigat Javadova, Chem., Professor Parvin Mammadova, PhD, Associate Professor Elkhan Isakov, Senior Researcher, Tech., Associate Professor Elmira Nagieva and others expressed their views on the issues discussed.