AZSTAND/TK-34 Technical committee started functioning at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS

The Azerbaijan Institute for Standardization has established the “Technical Committee for Standardization (AZSTAND / TK-34) of Additives, Lubricating Oils, Greases and Special Fluids” at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS. According to the director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev, the purpose of creating the Technical Committee is to develop and improve the necessary standards for additives, lubricating oils, lubricants and special fluids produced in Azerbaijan, at the level of international standards.
He noted that the main activities of the Technical Committee include the development of a standardization program and an annual work plan, as well as draft standards, revision of existing standards, preparation of amendments to standards, scientific and methodological assistance to organizations, enterprises and associations using standards prepared by the Technical Committee. analysis and implementation of effective use, preparation of catalogs on the topic and organization of their publication. The academician said that the Technical Committee included representatives of scientific institutions and organizations, as well as ministries related to research, production and application in this area in the republic. “Currently, work is underway to revise 9 state standards included in the approved Action Plan for 2021,” he added.