International research has been conducted to develop drugs with anti-diabetic potential


Director Generalof the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Academician Vagif Farzaliyev, Executive Director, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev and scientists of Baku State University – Academician Abel Maharramov, Professor Malahat Gurbanova, doctoral student Fidan Akhundova together with colleagues from Ataturk and Bartin Universities within the framework of joint activities, conducted the international research on the development of drugs with antidiabetic potential and achieved important scientific results. An article about these results was published in the authoritative foreign journal “Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds” with an impact factor (

According to the Institute, the article is devoted to the study of molecular coupling of cyclic structures with biological activity, assessment of antidiabetic and anticholinergic potential. Calculations of the molecular docking of some cyclic molecules and the results of various analyzes confirm the absence of theoretical problems with the future use of these molecules as antidiabetic drugs.

The internationally renowned journal “Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds” such as Taylor & Francis is part of the international scientific databases Web of Science and Scopus.