The important results of the world-class research conducted at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS were presented


A seminar was held at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA) of  Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) on the main results of joint scientific research carried out at the world level. The executive director of the institute, the Azerbaijani coordinator of the Research Group, Dr. Afsun Sujayev, who delivered a report on the topic “Creation of enzyme-isoenzyme inhibitors against global diseases”, said that in recent years, in order to increase efficiency in the interconnected fields of chemistry, physics, biology and medicine, interdisciplinary research occupied an important place: “Since there are such fundamental theoretical and applied questions in this area, the approach of one scientific direction does not justify itself in solving them, and a satisfactory result is not achieved. An integrated scientific approach to such issues is required, and it seems that the most successful scientific results – inventions and discoveries of the 21st century are obtained precisely in research where biochemistry, pharmacology, clinical chemistry and other sciences meet.If we look at the scientific works of world scientists who are annually awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry, physics, physiology and medical sciences, we we will see that they belong to areas where, in one way or another, separate disciplines meet. Although the scientific discovery of the Turkish-born Aziz Sanjar, who was awarded the highest prize in world science along with the American Paul Modric and the Swede Thomas Lindahl for their work on DNA restoration, was made in the field of chemistry, in fact we can see in this contribution to world science the common elements of chemistry, physiology and medicine”.

He stated that the scientists of the ICP ANAS, taking into account the role of interdisciplinary research in the most important scientific achievements, long ago determined that the biocidal additives synthesized by them in accordance with the main profile of this research institution, in addition to protecting oil products from microbiological damage, exhibit biological (physiological) activity in other areas. Even some of them have been successfully applied in industry and medicine.

The Head of the Research Group noted that on the basis of this past experience, since 2015, an international research group has been created together with prestigious scientific centers in many leading countries in the direction of creating and studying physiologically active substances against pathological conditions, and joint research is being carried out on topical issues of medicine and chemistry: “ To date, 300 new physiologically active substances synthesized in ICP have been studied for their antioxidant activity, inhibitory effect on carbonic anhydrase I and II isoenzymes in living organisms, and it was found that they have a high effect. The studied substances have a potential therapeutic effect on pathological processes that cause global diseases, such as malignant tumor (cancer), diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease (memory loss, mental retardation). Some of the compounds studied are 10 times more potent than the tocopherol and α-trolox preparations used as standard preparations.”

A.Sujayev spoke in detail about the important scientific results of research conducted jointly with various scientific centers in the USA, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Russia, Belarus and other countries, about the prestigious journals in which they were published, and the interest of scientists from all over the world in these scientific results, listed goals for the future. Then he answered many questions.