The Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS attaches great importance to young personnel

Young scientists and specialists will be accepted for 14 vacant positions announced at academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. According to the executive director of the institute, Doctor of Chemistry Afsun Sujayev the announcement has already been published in the official press: “In accordance with the law, by holding elections in September this year, we intend to attract young professionals who have completed doctoral studies, dissertations and masters, working in small positions, such as engineers and laboratory assistants, to these positions”.
A.Sujayev noted that during the certification conducted at the institute in April of this year, it was recommended to increase the positions of 19 employees and the category of 7 employees, all of them are young specialists: “In this period, the employment contracts of 4 employees of the Institute over 70 years of age were terminated at their own request. It is planned to promote young personnel to these positions.”
Concerning the issues of training highly qualified scientific personnel at the institute, A. Sujaev said that for 2022, according to the plan for admission to doctoral and dissertation programs in the program for preparing a doctor of philosophy in the specialty “Organic Chemistry”, 5 people applied for 2 places,  person. in the specialty “Petrochemistry”, 1 person applied for doctoral studies for the allocated 1 place, 1 person applied for the dissertation for 1 place. According to the plan, 1 document was submitted under the program for the preparation of a doctor of philosophy for a dissertation in the specialty “Organic Chemistry” and under the program for the preparation of a doctor of science in the specialty “Petrochemistry” for a doctorate and a dissertation, documents were submitted for the allocated 1 place: passed the foreign language exam to the next stage.” He noted that 3 applicants who scored high scores were enrolled in 3 planned places declared in the specialty “Organic Chemistry” and have already been registered. A. Sudzhaev also said that for 6 months of the current year 1 doctoral student and 1 dissertation student in the specialty “Petrochemistry” successfully defended their Ph.D. thesis, and 1 person was awarded the corresponding degree and received a diploma: “Currently the following persons  continue their studies under the program for the preparation of doctors of philosophy – 3 people in doctoral studies (2 full-time, 1 part-time) and 4 people in the dissertation, and under the program for the preparation of doctors of science –  3 people in the doctoral program for doctoral studies, 2 people in the dissertation, 1 person in the master’s program”.