The next entrance exam for doctoral studies was held at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives


The next entrance exam was held in the specialty for the preparation of doctoral students at academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives. According to the information provided by the Institute, 3 candidates of the specialty “Organic Chemistry” took part in the exam. The chairman of the examination committee is the institute’s general director, academician Vagif Farzaliev, the members are the executive director, associate professor Afsun Sujaev, academic secretary, PhD Mehpara Safarova, Head of Laboratory of Corrosion Inhibitors, Ph.D. Vali Kazymov and Leading Researcher of the Laboratory “Physiologically Active Organic Compounds”, Ph.D.Nazar Nazarov. The results of all three candidates, who answered 50 test questions in ninety minutes, were rated as excellent.