The article by our scientists-chemists was published in the journal included in the scientific database RSCI


Article by scientists from the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic (Novotorzhina N.N., Sujayev A.R., Mammadova A.Kh., Kazimzadeh Sh.K., Gahramanova G.A., Kuliyeva G.M., Mustafayeva E.S. Butoxymethylaminobenzenesulfamide as an antimicrobial additive to cutting fluids, Bashkir Chemical Journal, 2023, Volume 30, No.2, pp. 15-20) has been published in the Bashkir Chemical Journal.

These scientific studies were carried out in the “Laboratory of Organic Compounds with Tribological Properties” of the Institute. According to Nelya Novotorzhina, head of the scientific group, leading researcher, PhD the main goal of the scientific work mentioned in the article is the use of a new antimicrobial additive (biocide) to cutting fluids. By reacting aminobenzenesulfamide with paraform, hydroxymethylaminobenzenesulfamide was synthesized, and then by reacting it with butyl alcohol, butoxymethylaminobenzenesulfamide was obtained, which is of great interest as a biocidal additive to cutting fluids.

For information, we note that the journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database and its impact factor is 0.236.