“Innovations for a Green World” Digital Idea Competition was held


The competition of digital ideas “Innovations for a Green World”, organized within the framework of the “Green World Solidarity Year” was held jointly by the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, the NAP Youth Union and the State Oil and Industrial University of Azerbaijan.

Our youth, representing more than 50 administrative-territorial units of the republic, competed for the title of the best in 30 teams, given that this year in our country is the “Green World Solidarity Year”, the competition is dedicated to this area. It was emphasized that the main activities of the Digital Ideas Competition entitled “Innovations for a Green World” were the development of the concept of a mobile application for environmental protection and environmental education of citizens, the construction of models reflecting a successful “green world” in the liberated territories and intellectual games for the development of “green thinking.”

According to the assessment of the Expert Commission consisting of 6 specialists, including the executive director of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, member of the board of the New Azerbaijan Party, Professor Afsun Sujayev, the first place in the competition was taken by the “Daphne” team, the second place by “ Zaka”, the third place – “Turan”, the winner of the intellectual game “Green Management” was the  “Gayydysh” team.