Rules changed in connection with the master’s education


The Cabinet of Ministers has amended the “Content and organization of training in master studies and the rules for granting “master’s degree”.

In this regard, Prime Minister Ali Asadov signed a decree.

The corresponding change in master’s education identified two forms of study – full-time education (full involvement in fulltime education and partial involvement in parttime education) and part-time education.

The standard duration of full-time education is 1.5-2 years, and part-time education is six months longer than full-time education. This period is determined by the educational programs of various specialties. The standard duration of full-time study (parttime) is determined in accordance with the individual curriculum of the undergraduate.

It was noted that regardless of subordination and form of ownership, master’s education can be carried out on a paid basis and by state order in all higher educational institutions and ANAS. Payment for the education of children who have lost their parents and are deprived of parental care are paid for from the state budget during tuition on a paid basis in state, municipal and private higher educational institutions, as well as in ANAS.

The content of master studies covers the planning of the educational process and research work, the forms and methods of its implementation, the volume of the study load, the duration of the stages of study (semesters), the types of training (lecture, lesson, laboratory, etc.), the volume of different subjects and requirements in the curriculum for qualification of a specialty.

The planning and organization of the educational process and research work are determined on the basis of the curriculum (exemplary employee), subject programs and work programs prepared in accordance with it. The form and structure of these plans are determined by the higher educational institution and ANAS.

Programs in subjects indicated in educational programs are developed by higher educational institutions and ANAS, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and programs in selected subjects included in curricula by educational institutions and ANAS will be approved by educational institutions and ANAS.

Work programs in subjects will be developed and approved by a higher educational institution and ANAS.

Work curriculum (syllabus) – a document reflecting the description of the subject prepared on the basis of the corresponding program and the subject taught, its goals and objectives, short content, duration and types of lessons, student assignments for independent work, deadline for their completion, hours of consultation, information about teacher, teacher requirements, assessment criteria, an intermediate assessment table, and a list of used literature.

The organization of training at the master’s level is carried out under the credit system (ECTS – the European credit transfer system used in European countries) based on the rules approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the requirements of state standards for higher education.