Academician Vagif Farzaliyev attended an online meeting of the Expert Council of the High Technology Park


The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Council of Experts, vice president of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, members of the board, general director of the HTP, academician Ali Abbasov, a number of officials, as well as business leaders and media representatives.

Chairman of the Council Academician Rasim Aliguliyev highlighted the issues on the agenda of the meeting.

Speaking about the tasks arising in connection with the implementation of the decision of the Presidium of ANAS of May 15, 2020, he marked that these issues were discussed at an online meeting of the Presidium chaired by the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev. The head of ANAS noted that the meeting was dedicated to the transformation of the HTP into an institution that met modern requirements and made important contribution to the country’s economy, creating a new development concept, applying scientific achievements and financing promising projects, as well as education and science in the post-pandemic period. He gave relevant instructions on holding regular round tables on the needs of enterprises.

“The high-tech park plays a special role in the commercialization of science and technology transfer in our country, satisfying the state’s needs for high-tech products, establishing links between various bodies and scientific institutions, attracting the banking sector,” said academician R. Aliguliyev. He also emphasized the need to review the tasks facing the Park, carry out important work in this body, such as developing competitive technological products, attracting the country’s intellectual potential, realizing foreign investments, as well as supporting startups.

Stressing that in our country there is a great demand for national intellectual potential, the Chairman of the Council noted that the development of the park on the basis of orders from military, strategic and other government agencies is an important problem.

Academician R. Aliguliyev noted the importance of taking into account prospects in all possible areas, including nuclear, nano-, bio- and information technologies, being guided by international experience, country legislation, the requirements of the knowledge economy, and the basic principles of a national innovation environment when developing a new concept for the development of the Park. He recommended that members of the Council work closely with academic institutions and local residents to resolve existing problems.

Then the general director of the High Technology Park of ANAS, academician Ali Abbasov, spoke about the latest reforms carried out in this structure. The scientist thanked the members of the Expert Council for their active participation in discussions about the current state and future development of the organization. He noted that the commercialization of scientific results is one of the main tasks of the HTP, emphasizing that special attention is paid to the development of this area under the leadership of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev.

Speaking about the work done to create the new concept for the development of the Park, Academician A. Abbasov noted that the company created the appropriate commissions to solve problems and eliminate shortcomings that impeded its activities.

He spoke about the assessment of the current state of the Park and the definition of the organization’s goals, noting that contacts had been established with consulting companies and proposals had been put forward. The scientist noted the importance of participation and support of relevant scientific institutions of ANAS in creation of a new development concept.

The Director stated that because of the coronavirus pandemic and the special quarantine regime, it is necessary to expand activities in the virtual space. According to him, the HTP website is being improved with the aim of regularly informing the public about the park’s activities, as well as organizing various fruitful  cooperation.

He also spoke about the participation of universities, young researchers and students in the HTP, the implementation of startup projects, the study of international experience and the development of international cooperation, as well as the strengthening of human resources.

Then the Secretary of the Expert Council, Academician Vagif Farzaliev, commented on current issues and said that the institution always closely cooperated with the High Technology Park of ANAS, this organization received serious support in several areas: “First of all, the additive“ Depresator AKİ ”, which is produced annually by hundreds tons in the Scientific Production Association “Aşqar” of the Institute is supplied to SOCAR and added to the oil transported via the BTC pipeline as an additive to increase its service life and speed up transportation. On the other hand, all lubricants and additives prepared at the pilot industrial plant, which is a resident of the park, are the result of the work of scientists of our institute. At the same time, the preparation of technical conditions for all this was carried out by the Institute of Chemistry of Additives. In exchange for all this work, the Institute still has not received any financial support from the HTP. ”

The academic said that HTP should have worked on the commercialization of patents that could be applied to the real economy through mutual agreements with research institutes, and both parties should have benefited from this process.

Farzaliyev emphasized that after this, cooperation with the HTP  would also continue.