Scientists are financially rewarded

At the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Education, a number of researchers working in research institutes receive material rewards.
The main goal of the award is to increase the financial well-being of scientists, stimulate their activity and increase the number of articles published in journals with an international impact factor.
Since July of this year, a number of researchers working in scientific institutions of the Ministry of Science and Education and having higher scientific indicators have been paid up to 1,000 manats per month. The award is applied by research institutes on a pilot basis based on the “Methodology for calculating the author’s points of authors of scientific papers” developed by the State Agency for Science and Higher Education (EATDA).It should be noted that the calculation according to the methodology was carried out on the basis of scientometric indicators covering 2018-2023. Thus, among almost ten thousand Azerbaijani researchers available in the Scopus scientometric database, the indicators of 500 authors whose scientific works were published the most throughout the country in the period 2018-2023 (according to the ready list defined in Scopus) were analyzed and based on the results of the analysis, the process of rewarding scientists (higher quality indicators) was launched.
Similar methodologies are used by international ranking organizations (Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)”, “Times Higher Education (THE)”, “Shanghai Ranking (ARWU)”), higher education institutions (Stanford University (“Top 2% of Stanford researchers”)) and researchers.
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