An article by scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS, dedicated to new types of stabilizers for polymer materials, has been published in a prestigious foreign journal


Another article on the results of a study conducted by the scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA) of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Academician V.Farzaliyev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor A.Sujayev, leading researchers: Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences T.Akchurina, Doctor of Philosophy on Chemistry, Associate Professor Kh.Efendiyeva and Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry I.Eyvazova) has been published in the authoritative foreign journal with the impact factor “Applied Petrochemical Research” ( -z).

According to the Institute, the article is devoted to the creation of new types of stabilizers for polymer materials. The journal “Applied Petrochemical Research” of the world famous publishing house Springer is part of the international scientific databases Web of Science and Scopus.