The fourth-year students on the specialty Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry of BSU and the Faculty of Chemical Technology of ASOIU continue their practical training at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives


IV year students on the specialty “Chemical Engineering” of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Baku State University (BSU) and the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (ASOIU) undergo practical training in the relevant laboratories of Academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA) of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Students become familiar with the operating principles of instruments and equipment, modern methods of physical and chemical analysis, and take direct part in conducting some experiments in the institute’s laboratories. This allows them to experimentally consolidate their acquired theoretical knowledge and skills.

In the laboratory “Various functional polymer compounds”, students became familiar with the process of producing detergent-dispersant oligoalkyl succinimide additives based on oligomers of vinyl monomers, oligomerization of 1-hexene with phenol and the use of further chemical transformations for the development of multifunctional additives, and took part in experiments.

Students also got acquainted with research carried out in the Fine Organic Synthesis laboratory on the production of greases containing nano-sized metal atoms and their oxides.

For information, we note that students’ practical training will last until May 24, 2024.