At the Institute of Chemistry of Additives young people are taught the rules of writing scientific articles for prestigious journals


On April 13, 2023, an educational seminar “Rules for writing articles in prestigious journals” for young scientists and specialists was held at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Executive Director of the Institute, Doctor of Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev, who made a presentation, said that the seminars held on these topics were of greater importance for young researchers – doctoral students, dissertators and undergraduates who were just starting to engage in academic science. Because in addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge and mastering the skills of conducting research, they also learnt how to write and publish their scientific results in the form of articles.

A.Sujayev noted that, according to statistical analyzes, international cooperation with the world’s leading scientific centers, bases and journals was impossible in the former Soviet Union, a part of which our republic was for many years, since in science, as well as in other areas, there was “ closed regime”: “Scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, which had been operating since 1965, in the Soviet era and in the first years of our independence, at best, could publish their scientific work in Russian journals. Most of these journals, with the exception of a few, are not currently published in open academic systems. Therefore, world scientists did not have the opportunity to refer to articles published during the Soviet period.”

He said that the presentation on this topic was prepared on the basis of the requirements for publications and recommendations of publishers Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Web of Knowledge.

A.Sujayev emphasized that it was necessary to properly comply with the requirements and rules for the preparation of scientific articles in accordance with international standards, and this seminar would also be important for the preparation of articles in accordance with the requirements of journals archived in the world’s leading scientific databases (“Web of Science ”, “Scopus”).

The Executive Director familiarized the seminar participants in detail with the rules for preparing articles in accordance with the requirements of various, prestigious journals of the world’s most famous publishers with a high impact factor, writing articles in a foreign language without grammatical errors and sending them to these journals in an online format.

The Executive Director emphasized that a number of support measures were being implemented to increase the publication of articles by scientists working at the institute in journals with a high index, and in the future such educational seminars would continue on a regular basis.

During the presentation, answers were given to the questions of young researchers and the scientific secretary of the institute, Ph.D. Mehpara Safarova, heads of laboratories, professors – Hagigat Javadova and Parvin Mammadova, leading researcher, Ph.D. Jeyhun Hamidova exchanged views.