The preliminary discussion of the Ph.D. dissertation in chemistry was held at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives


A meeting of the Academic Council with a wide composition was held at Academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA)  of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Informing about the first issue on the agenda, the executive director of the institute, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Afsun Sujayev, said that this year 1 doctoral student and 1 dissertation candidate were accepted into the ICA, and joint scientific supervisors were assigned for them, dissertation topics were approved. During the discussion, the annual activity plan for the doctoral student and dissertation candidate was approved.

Then, there was held a preliminary discussion of the dissertation work of Mahmudov Ibadulla Hasan oglu, junior researcher at the laboratory “Physiologically active organic compounds” of the institute, former doctoral student on the topic “Pyrazole-, N-benzyl and N-allylaniline derivatives, synthesis and study of their metal complexes” to obtain PhD degrees in chemistry.

During the discussion chaired by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, head of the laboratory Professor Parvin Mammadova, applicant I.Mahmudov explained the important scientific results he achieved on this topic, and the fact that the new substances synthesized by him were of fundamental importance, scientific and applied significance, antioxidant and catalytic activity in relation to the oxidation of hydrocarbons, at the same time he gave extensive information about the detailed studies he carried out in the direction of studying their activity as inhibitors of enzyme-isoenzymes in relation to pathological processes and answered numerous questions.

I.Mahmudov’s scientific works on this topic were summarized in the “Web of Knowledge” search engine of the Clarivate Analytics Agency, and were also published in journals with a high impact factor in the USA and Europe, which had a special reputation in the field of chemistry.

During the discussion, the reviewers – Chem., Associate Professor V. Kazimov and Chem. M.Huseynova emphasized the relevance, modernity and importance of the work, and also expressed their comments and suggestions on the topic.

The applicant’s scientific supervisor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences A.Sujayev, gave information about the personal qualities of the former doctoral student and noted that he was very hardworking and talented, and that he conducted part of the research on his own initiative at the University of Lisbon in Portugal. He also stated that the level of knowledge he demonstrated allowed him to obtain an appropriate scientific degree.

Members of the Academic Council M.Safarova, A.Mammadova, Y.Ramazanova, E.Nagiyeva and S.Osmanova expressed their opinions and recommendations on the topic of the dissertation and the report.