A scientist who brought success to the chemistry of additives in Azerbaijan

Our interlocutor is Professor Afsun Sujayev,  Laureate of the State Prize.
Recently in our country, 3 scientists from Academician Ali Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives – Academician Vagif Farzaliyev, Professors Hagigat Javadova and Afsun Sujayev were awarded the State Prize in the field of technology for complex scientific and technical research on the topic of “Creation and organization of production of special-purpose lubricating oils.” Our employee met with one of the laureates – Executive Director of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Afsun Sujayev and interviewed him. For information, we inform you that the talented chemist A.Sujayev is the author of 172 scientific papers. 60 articles have been published in prestigious foreign journals included in the scientific databases “Web of Science” and “Scopus”. His scientific works have been cited by world scientists 1679 times. The Hirsch index is 23.
– Afsun muallim, please give readers brief information about your scientific and technical invention, which was awarded the State Prize…
– On behalf of myself and my fellow scientists, first of all, I would like to deeply thank the head of our state, Mr.Ilham Aliyev, for the high assessment of our work. Each of us accepts this highest award of our state as a high assessment given to our science and scientists in general.
It should be noted that this scientific and technical invention confirms the continuation of the bright traditions of scientific schools created in Azerbaijan by world-famous scientists such as Academicians Yusif Mammadaliyev and Ali Guliyev.
Let me remind you that the main direction of scientific and experimental activity of the Institute of  Chemistry of Additives(ICA) is the creation of lubricants and additives, as well as the development of the principles of their application.
Such scientific and technical success was achieved at our institute for a reason. It is known that a number of special-purpose lubricants were created by scientists from the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, which was one of three important scientific centers in the field of additives during the former USSR and the only scientific center during the period of independence. Continuing our exemplary work in this direction, we have achieved another success as scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives.
A special feature of the new motor oil was that it worked at any time of the year and successfully passed tests on the latest branded equipment. The authoritative test commission considered the use of this oil to be entirely appropriate.
– How did the international scientific community react to the new scientific and technological achievement by the ICA group of scientists?
– ICA has extensive experience and rich scientific traditions in the field of chemistry of additives. During the Soviet period, this research institution provided 20 percent of the need for lubricants not only in our country, but also throughout the former USSR. It is commendable that the special-purpose motor oil created at the institute is planned to be exported to countries of the near and far abroad, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Morocco. Contracts have already been signed.
As laureates of the State Prize, we are proud to have achieved success that serves the economic development and defense power of our country, which has fully restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty.
There is a saying: if you want peace, prepare for war. Some foreign centers of power, who do not care about our historical victory, threaten us with a ban on the import of a number of strategic goods, including military products. The strategic oils that we create free our country from foreign dependence on these products. We will continue to expand our theoretical and practical activities in this direction. The reaction of the international scientific community to our scientific successes is positive. The signed contracts confirm this.
– It would be appropriate to tell about other recent scientific achievements of ICA…
– It is known that a number of new organic compounds produced in EIP are also studied as potential medicinal substances. We have created international research groups with scientists from leading scientific centers of such countries as the USA, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Russia and Belarus. We have created a new generation of enzyme inhibitors-isoenzymes against some common diseases, such as malignant tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, glaucoma and diabetes.
At the same time, it would be appropriate to say that we brought bioorganic chemistry to our country from abroad as a new scientific direction. As a result of these innovations, over the past 10 years, about 70 articles have been published in prestigious world scientific databases, and about 2 thousand have been cited by world scientists.

The inclusion of 3 universities of Azerbaijan in the ranking list of world universities according to scientometric criteria today can be considered as a result of the activities of scientists from these universities, as well as leading scientists from research institutes, including ICA.

– Was the scientific project of the Baku schoolchildren, who won a medal at a prestigious international scientific and technical competition in the USA last month, related to the research conducted in this area?
– You are absolutely right. At the International Science and Engineering Competition (ISEF), held in California on May 11-17 this year, Said Aslanov and Ibrahim Allahverdiyev, 10th-grade students of the capital’s “World School”, were awarded a bronze medal in the nomination “Biomedicine and Healthcare”. Under my scientific supervision, the “Creation of a new generation of enzyme-isoenzyme inhibitors against Alzheimer’s disease” research was conducted in the “Physiologically Active Organic Compounds” laboratory.
This project was previously awarded a gold medal at the XIII Republican competition “Scientists of Tomorrow”, held in our country, and qualified for ISEF.
Since 2012, our country has been holding the republican competition “Scientists of Tomorrow”, which is a qualifying round for ISEF to identify talented students inclined to scientific research and who have achieved high results in scientific research.
In the mentioned competition, students’ scientific projects are assessed mainly in 8 areas, including mathematics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine and health care, ecology and nature management, engineering, and computer science.
It is noteworthy that Azerbaijani schoolchildren participating in ISEF since 2012 have never won medals. We are proud that our students of today and scientists of tomorrow have won a bronze medal for our country for the first time.
– Afsun muallim, science is constantly evolving. What are your new goals as a scientist? – Science does not stand still, it is constantly evolving. Achieving each goal requires constant selfless work. Today, our country is in first place in the South Caucasus in terms of scientific activity assessment according to scientific criteria. But after this, maintaining first place in the region cannot be a new goal for us. The next main goal of our scientists is to compete scientifically with the CIS countries in a narrow sense and European countries in a broad sense. Of course, I myself have many lofty goals. I am sure that Azerbaijani scientists have the potential to achieve brilliant success at the global level in many areas, especially in the field of  chemistry of additives.
I would like to emphasize one point. The chemistry we are engaged in is a field of science that is difficult to imagine without modern physical and chemical devices and reagents. If we can raise the level of supplying research institutes with laboratory equipment and reagents to the level of the world’s leading scientific centers, believe me, we have talented scientists who can win the enviable Nobel Prize for Azerbaijan.
Punkhan Efendiyev XG