Azerbaijani scientists’ article has been published in the prestige journal


The results of the international research of the scientists  of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS with their Turkish counterparts have been published in the “Polyhedron” Journal  of Elsevier publishing house (M.Huseynova, P.Taslimi, A.Mejidov, V.Farzaliyev, M.Aliyeva, A.Sujayev, G.Gondolova , O.Shahin, B.Yalchin, E.B.Orman, A.R.Ozkaya, I.Gulchin – “Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, electrochemical studies and biological evaluation of metal complexes with thiosemicarbazone of glyoxylic acid”).

The article focuses on the synthesis of metal complexes of  thiosemicarbazone with glyoxyl ic acids,  detailed analysis of their crystal structure, electrochemical studies and biological activity.

It  should be noted  that, Polyhedron Journal publishes fundamental, experimental and theoretical studies in all fields of inorganic chemistry. These include synthetic chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, and so on.  An authoritative journal published since 1982 has been referred to the international Thomson Reuters Database.