Chinese AI firm deployed AI that helped police catch a criminal on the run for 20 years


Artificial intelligence is getting deployed in several spheres and the use keep expanding. Facial recognition is one aspect that is gaining wide prospective applications in China. Tencent last year disclosed it will use facial recognition to detect underage gamers in order to curb China’s growing gaming addiction. Baidu also recently showcased a cat shelter that uses facial recognition to admit stray cats in. Chinese company DeepGlint Technology has also unveiled an AI-based facial recognition technology which could aid the police in detecting criminal and potential crime scenes. kfc facial recognition

With a population of around 1.4 billion persons, China’s law enforcement is indeed a daunting task. Beijing-based DeepGlint is out to help the police carry out their duties of arresting criminals easily. With facial recognition, the tech start-up was able to assist the police track down a criminal who had been dodging arrest for up to 20 years.

The tech company which is funded by Sequoia specialises in the field of computer vision, which involves the automatic extraction, investigation and comprehension of valuable data from a solitary image or succession of images. The organization says its framework – enlivened by the structure of the human eye – can catch pictures of, and distinguish, people and vehicles as far away as 50 meters, cautioning the security forces if there is suspicious movement. According to the tech company, tts 3D image analysis and pattern recognition technology have prompted the capture of 100 suspects.

DeepGlint joins a large group of other facial recognition tech organizations, for example, SenseTime Group, Yitu Technology and Megvii, all striving to to help authorities fight crime, maintain public order and improve health through scans and AI diagnostics.

There are reports, though, of cases where facial recognnition is utilised to clampdown on certain individuals in the excess of a million especially Uygur Muslims who have been placed in mass detention camps to forestall what it calls fear based oppressor exercises.