During the pandemic the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS worked productively in the authoritative ELSEVIER journals


Despite the announcement of strict quarantine regime during the COVID 19 coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the activity of ANAS Institute of Chemistry of Additives  was productive in prestigious ELSEVIER journals, one of the leading scholars. Such an opinion was expressed in a letter of thanks from the Executive Director of the Publishing House Philip Tershgen to the Director of the Institute, Academician Vagif Farzaliyev. The letter says: “Very few people don’ t agree with the fact that 2020 was very difficult. The works that you have published in various journals of our Publishing House during the pandemic were created under difficult conditions, as a result of great self-sacrifice and hard work, and were very interesting for our readers. One of these articles is “Synthesis of thiourea containing cyclic derivatives of physiologically active amino alcohols in the presence of AlCl3 catalyst, a study of their biological activity and molecular docking”, published by the journal “Bioorganic Chemistry”. On behalf of the management of “Bioorganic Chemistry” we would like to thank you and all your employees for choosing the journal of our Publishing House, to share the important results of your multidisciplinary research. We will continue to do everything possible to support your contribution to the world of research, and we hope to work together this year. ”

It should be noted that the students of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives in 2020 published 14 articles in prestigious ELSEVIER journals.