Google created the world’s most powerful computer


American Google has created the world’s most powerful quantum computer, capable of orders of magnitude faster to calculate than the Summit from IBM, is considered the world’s most powerful supercomputer, according to Financial Times.

The British newspaper writes that the calculation on which device from IBM requires 10 thousand years, computer from Google has made over 200 seconds, and this information, first published scientific report on the NASA website were subsequently removed. It is noted that at present the quantum computer from Google is only able to perform one technical calculation, and to the solution of practical tasks the device will be ready in a few years.

“As far as we know, the experiment represents the first calculation that can only be performed on a quantum processor”, — quotes the edition of the material. It also says that “such a serious acceleration in comparison with the known classical algorithms provides the experimental implementation of the quantum superiority of a computing task”.

The newspaper writes that the Google guys named their computer “an important milestone on the road to full blown quantum computing process,” and predicted that the increase in power of quantum computers will significantly exceed the indicators of progression listed in the law Gordon Moore.

The Financial Times indicates that Google refused to appropriate review.

In November 2017, the head of quantum computers IBM’s Dario Gil reported that the developers have created a working prototype of a computing machine with capacity of 50 qubits (quantum bits).

In a classical computer information is represented with bits taking only the values 0 or 1. In a quantum computer the concept of (classical) bits is generalized to quantum bits (qubit), which takes an infinite number of values, each of which is the quantum superposition of the basis States 0 and 1 (pair of values of the quantum characteristics of the particles, e.g. an atom, electron or photon, in particular, the spin orientation). Physical media in such a device are, for example, a special superconducting solid materials, particles which can be in particular excited (quantum) state, identified as the state of the qubit. To manage such material (and quantum States) can, for example, a laser.