Joint activities of the ANAS HTP and the Institute of Chemistry of Additives will expand


Yesterday at academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) a meeting with representatives of ANAS  High Technologies Park (HTP) was held. The director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev told the guests about the history, structure and main areas of activity of the Institute, as well as training of highly qualified personnel, international cooperation and fundamental theoretical and applied achievements of recent years, shared information about the works that were and could be applied in the country’s economy.

Speaking about the scientific and technical support provided to the residents of the ANAS HTP by this research institution, academician V.Farzaliyev said that the work, done completely free of charge, mainly covers the creation of various lubricants, their testing in accordance with international standards, preparation of regulatory and technical documents ensuring the production and consumption of certain lubricants and coordination with relevant organizations, author’s control over the use of lubricants produced by the experimental industrial plant of ANAS, in consumer organizations, preparation of advertising brochures on these products in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages ​​and training of ICA personnel to carry out appropriate analyzes in the laboratories of the plant.

Farzaliev noted that in the future the HTP and its residents will be provided with scientific and technical support too.

The ANAS HTP director, academician Ali Abbasov, noting that one of the main tasks of the Park is the commercialization of scientific results obtained by scientists from various applied research institutes of ANAS, including chemical ones, emphasized the special attention paid under the leadership of  ANAS President, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev to the development of this direction.

He said that the main purpose of his visit to the Institute of Chemistry of Additives  was to get acquainted with the technical potential of this scientific institution, the real work that can be applied in the HTP, as well as discussing issues of future cooperation between the two bodies.

He noted that the other day the Department of External Relations of the ANAS Presidium organized an online conference dedicated to the current state and directions of intellectual knowledge, transfer of scientific and technical innovations. The event discussed such important issues as the connection of technology transfer with the national economic strategy, with the basis of national legal regulation and protection of intellectual property; structure of research funding; evaluation of scientific research funded by the research center, joint cooperation of  universities and industry,  the state, and the importance of using the experience of institutes and scientists of ANAS in this area was noted.

The meeting also noted the expediency of active work with the applied institutes of ANAS, including the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, in the direction of studying innovative projects, assessing their economic efficiency, commercializing innovative scientific achievements.

The parties also exchanged views on specific areas of cooperation at the next stage.

Then the guests got acquainted with the instruments and equipment of the laboratory of fine organic synthesis and the analytical laboratory of the institute.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Director for Research, Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev, Deputy Director for General Issues Elman Zulfugarov and Researcher Ingilab Ismayilov.