Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies joins initiative “Stay at home, create at home”


The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies joins the initiative “Stay at home, create at home” (Evdə Qal, Evdə Yarat), announced by the Ministry of Culture and the portal “Creative Azerbaijan” and invites citizens working in the field of creative technologies to take part in this campaign.

As  is commonly known, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), spreading around the world, has also created difficulties for the citizens in our country. Schools, museums, theaters do not work, people are advised not to visit public places and stay at home as much as possible. Despite these challenges, the creative abilities of our citizens, as always, are at a high level. Over 2 thousand people have already joined the initiative “Stay at home, create  at home” through social networks.

As part of this initiative, people, being at home, direct their creative potential to making creative products (paintings, videos, poems, music, etc.). Then, marking the page of the portal “Creative Azerbaijan” on Facebook (, they share their posts with followers, following them using the hashtag # EvdəQalEvdəYarat, thereby contribute to the fight against the virus by focusing on positive emotions.

The authors of the most popular posts will have the opportunity to win valuable prizes.

Detailed information on the initiative “Stay at home, create at home” is available at this link.