Problems of former doctoral students and dissertators were discussed at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS


The leaders of  academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan met with former doctoral students and dissertators, who completed the course, but did not defend their dissertations. The director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliev, said that one of the main tasks of scientific and research institutions is the training of highly qualified personnel: «Unfortunately, in many cases, doctoral students and dissertators in the preparation of  PhD and doctors of science, even for a long time after the completion of training, do not defend their dissertations. This causes problems with the provision of the institute with highly qualified personnel with academic degrees».

He stressed that in the near future, the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan will accredit the institutes and will study the quantity and quality indicators of researchers, employees and enterprises.

Farzaliev noted that the institute can provide certain assistance to doctoral students and dissertators in solving their problems related to the preparation of dissertations, publication of scientific works and other issues.

Deputy Director for Research of the Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev informed about the innovations included in the new regulations of the HAC under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and answered the questions of doctoral students. He said that a separate information seminar for doctoral students and dissertators will be organized on this topic.

Then doctoral students and dissertators who completed their studies in previous years, but did not defend their dissertations, gave extensive information about the state of research work, the number and type of published works on the topics of dissertations, the degree of the dissertation implementation, the reasons for being unable to defend dissertation in time and other problems.

The heads and consultants of each doctoral student and dissertation also gave their explanations. Doctoral students and dissertators, whose dissertations were close to completion, were given a certain amount of time to present their work for protection. At the end of the meeting it was decided that each doctoral student and dissertation student had to prepare and provide the Department of Education with the final information on the number and composition of published scientific work on the topic of the dissertation, the degree of completion of the dissertation. At the same time, the reports of doctoral students and dissertators could be heard at the seminars of the institute.

In September of this year there will be held next meeting with doctoral students and dissertators, the study of which was completed, but they did not defend the dissertation.

Academic Secretary of the Institute, Ph.D. Mehpara Safarova, heads of laboratories, professors – Hagigat Javadova, Parvin Mammadova, Ph.D. Mina Musayeva and others expressed their views and suggestions.