Summer examination session of Master’s Candidates completed at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS


The summer examination session of first-year Master’s Candidates in Organic Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences has completed. According to the Department of Education of the Institute, the knowledge of master’s candidates  in 7 subjects taught in the second half of the year has been evaluated. Examinations on 3 of these subjects – philosophy, psychology and pedagogy – were held in a centralized form at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS in writing. The remaining 4 subjects were evaluated by teachers who conducted courses (Fine Organic Synthesis II, Theoretical Issues of Organic Chemistry, Physical and Chemical Research, and Stereochemistry) at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives.

Master’s Candidates passed the final examinations of the summer session on “Stereochemistry” on June 25, 2019. They successfully completed the session, receiving high scores in all subjects.