The defense of master’s theses of the second-year undergraduates of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS has taken place

The defense of master’s theses in the specialties “Chemistry of Nanomaterials”, “Environmental Chemistry”, “Petrochemistry” and “Organic Chemistry” of the 2nd year undergraduates of Academician Y.Mammadaliyev Institute of Petrochemical Processes and Academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS was held.
Undergraduates of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS in the specialty “Organic Chemistry” – Gulgun Abdullayeva and Leyla Vahidzadeh made an interesting presentation and answered questions in detail.
The defense was attended by 9 members of the specialized scientific council for the defense of master’s theses, master students’ supervisors. Head of the magistracy sector of the Education Department of the Presidium of ANAS Ramin Hasanov also took part at the event.