The defense of the doctoral thesis of the young scientist of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS


On September 25, 2018, at the Dissertation Council D 02.011 at the Baku State University the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science was defended in the field of “2306.01 – Organic Chemistry” by the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of acad.A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, acting Head of the Laboratory “Theoretical Foundations of the Synthesis and Mechanism of the Effects of Additives”; PhD in Chemistry; Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev. The topic of the thesis was “Synthesis and transformations of cyclic thiocarbamide derivatives of amino alcohols based on three-component condensation reactions”. Scientific consultants of the topic were academician-secretary of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the ANAS, academician Vagif Farzaliyev well-known among authoritative scientists of Azerbaijan, as well as the world and the late professor Mirza Allahverdiyev,

Synthesized by the applicant as a result of a long and fruitful scientific activity, new chemical compounds, previously unknown to science, recognized as antioxidants, physiologically active substances and bactericides of drugs, showing therapeutic properties against certain chronic and incurable diseases, have the potential for the development of fine organic chemistry due to wide application possibilities. The young scientist successfully collaborates with foreign colleagues from some leading research centers in the world. So the antioxidant activity of the synthesized substances in living organisms and the characteristics of the impact as inhibitors were analyzed at the Universities of Florence in Italy, and Ataturk in Turkey.

On the topic of the dissertation, the author published 45 scientific works – 1 monograph, 1 Patent of the Azerbaijan Republic, 28 articles and 15 theses. 10 papers were published in prestigious journals in the USA and Europe with high impact factor, referenced in the Web of Knowledge  Search Engine of the Thomson Reuters Agency