The Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS will conduct joint international research with the Azerbaijan Medical University

On June 24, 2021 Academician A.M.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives (ICA)   of ANAS and the Azerbaijan Medical University (AMU) signed a cooperation agreement. The document signed by the director of the ICA, academician Vagif Farzaliyev and the rector of the AMU, Professor Geray Geraybeyli, defines the main goal of cooperation, which consists in conducting academic exchanges and joint research work between the parties, joint organization of scientific conferences, in a word, creating the unity of science and education.
In the opening remarks, the director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev said: “Although the main activity of the Institute is the creation of additives and lubricants that improve the performance of lubricants, another direction is associated with the synthesis and study of the functional properties of lubricants, physiologically active substances against pathological processes. We conducted such research in the Soviet era and even obtained important results in the field of medicine. In recent years, we have been conducting joint international research with leading research centers in a number of countries around the world, and important results have been published in influential foreign journals with high impact factor and are widely cited. “
V.Farzaliev emphasized that it is advisable for scientific and educational institutions to cooperate within the country: “Considering that the most important scientific achievements are achieved within the framework of individual sciences, cooperation of institutions representing chemical, medical and biological sciences is very important.”
Providing information about scientific research carried out at the Department of General and Toxicological Chemistry of the AMU, headed by him, Pharmacy, Professor Eldar Garayev noted that conducting scientific research at the international level in the direction of the analysis of physiologically active substances synthesized in the ICA, in corresponding laboratories of AMU, chemical modification of plant substances obtained at the Department of General and Toxicological Chemistry, presentation of important scientific results obtained at various conferences and scientific symposia, as well as publication in prestigious foreign journals would greatly contribute to the development of both enterprises. He noted that this agreement would open up additional opportunities for the parties to transfer information and exchange experience in order to study and apply existing scientific and scientific and technical materials.
Professor of the department, Dr.Sci. in Chemistry Fikret Guliyev said that within the framework of joint cooperation, doing practical work by students and masters specializing in various fields of medicine, pharmaceutics and chemistry individually or in groups, the joint scientific leadership of undergraduates and doctoral students would contribute to the provision of the Institute and the University with professional personnel. I
n conclusion, the parties agreed to hold joint scientific seminars in September-October to discuss current opportunities and prospects for the future.