The name of the young scientist of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS has been included in the list of scientists with 2 papers received the highest number of citation in the world


Head of Laboratory of Theoretical Bases of Synthesis and Action Mechanism of Additives of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of  ANAS, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sucayev has been awarded the “Web of Science Awards 2018” by Clarivate Analytics  together  with  Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He has earned this high award as  author of two Papers Highly Cited in Web of Science database.

Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) has recently published the Highly Cited Researchers rankings in 2018. Clarivate Analytics is the world leader in the field of science-metric analysis. The company for the fifth time publishes a list of the most influential scientists based on the Web of Science database.

In its field, 1% of the most referenced scholars are included in this list last year. This year, 4058 scientists from 21 fields of natural and humanitarian sciences have entered the rating. Among them there was named A. Sujayev from Azerbaijan.

On this occasion, on December 5,  at the event dedicated to the new stage of  cooperation between Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Clarivate Analytics, one of the world’s largest electronic scientific and analytical information bases, and to the presentation of the joint awards the Web of Science of Azerbaijan-2018 by Clarivate Analytics and Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the young scientist A.Sucayev was presented diploma by Isabel Reiss, a global director of consular development of Clarivate Analytics.

Education Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, President of Science Development Foundation Elchin Babayev, vice-president of ANAS Academician Dilgam Tagiyev, rectors of higher education institutions, directors of institutes and other guests attended the ceremony. Awarding ceremony was held in other nominations too.