The project supported by the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS became the winner of the XI Republican competition “Scientists of Tomorrow”


Hasanly Rasul Zaur oglu, a student of the Mingachevir Higher School of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, and Musayev Taleh Valeh oglu, a student of secondary school No.16 named after Samad Vurgun, took third place in the 11th republican competition “Scientists of Tomorrow”.

The students who took part in the Chemistry Olympiad made presentations on the topics “For a healthy lifestyle, common sense” and “Creation of new generation inhibitors against various diseases.” It should be noted that the aforementioned schoolchildren won a bronze medal for our country at the BUCA IMSEEF International Science Olympiad, held in the Turkish city of Izmir last year. The project which was supported by the Executive Director of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev, was implemented in the Laboratory of Physiologically Active Organic Compounds of the Institute.