The secret of Mars map in the library of Alexandria – Why do Armenians hide the map?


The city of Alexandria was built by Alexander the Great in 332-331 BC.

For many years, historians have assumed that the invaluable  data of the ancient period were completely destroyed. But later, historical documents belonging to the library began to appear in different countries of Europe and Asia. Educated people of that era preserved these manuscripts. They secretly from the government and the authorities made copies of these important documents and the original sent to other countries. According to some reports, some of the manuscripts are kept in the monastery library of Tibet.

Some of these manuscripts are also kept in the church of Echmiadzin Cathedral in Armenia. Unfortunately, the Armenians, who later settled in the area, began to assign these manuscripts to themselves. One of the manuscripts depicts a map of the surface of Mars. There is depicted a satellite of the planet around Mars.

This discovery impressed world science. On the map there was a short text in Latin. It was the translation of the ancient Egyptian text. There is no information about when and by whom the map was prepared.

Although in those days in ancient Egypt and Gaul  there were optical lenses, no one could see the satellite of Mars using a telescope. It was even impossible to see it in  the largest observatory in Europe in the 19th century.

Mars was first discovered in 1877 at the Naval Observatory in the United States. But on the ancient map, there was depicted only the satellite. Unfortunately, the map was later transferred to the National Academy of Armenia. After that no one saw the map or the manuscript. To this day, there is no news of the map found in Etchmiadzin Cathedral. Apparently, Armenians purposefully hide this map.