Vagif Farzaliyev: “ICA of ANAS continues to succesfully function in on-line regime”


In accordance with the instructions of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, the quarantine regime declared in the country in connection with the coronavirus pandemic,  Academician A.Guliyev  Institute of Chemistry of Additives  of ANAS also continues its activities in the “online” format. The director of the scientific institution, academician Vagif Farzaliyev told AZERTAC that he had prepared  the internal order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev  “On the organization of distance education for ANAS masters”.  Specific instructions were given to all heads of laboratories and departments: “Firstly it means  the online training of masters studying at the institute. I can say that since March 29, the leading scientists of the institute conduct lectures and seminars for freshmen of the institute on the platform “Zoom”. Second-year masters participate in the process of scientific and pedagogical practice “online” and use scientific  and methodological recommendations of their supervisors to complete their master’s thesis. All these processes are constantly monitored by the academic secretary and the Education Department.

Farzaliev noted that he is closely cooperating with international research groups on fundamental and theoretical research. According to him, joint international studies with scientists from Ataturk and Bartin Uiversities in Turkey on the topic “Development of new enzyme inhibitors of the isoenzyme against pathological processes” give positive results: “Since 2020, molecular studies have been carried out at the cellular and tissue levels over substances, obtained by our scientists and we have important results. Currently, 1 article on scientific results obtained by our Turkish colleagues has been published in prestigious foreign journal, 3 articles have been accepted for publication, and 5 articles have been sent for publication. Our scientists, who are members of this research group, regularly organize video conferences and hold discussions.

Farzaliyev noted that the republican seminar of Turkish scientists on the results of the joint research conducted at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives  in March was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, but this didn’t affect the joint activity. “We can regularly discuss the current state of our collaboration and future plans through video conference and decisions”-V.Farzaliyev marked.

The director said that research was conducted at the international level with the participation of scientists from leading scientific centers of Russia and Belarus, and some positive scientific results were  achieved.

Farzaliyev said that not only our scientists working in the international research groups, but also all scientists continue their activities through the Internet, collect and analyze scientific information in their field of research, write and submit scientific articles, participate in online seminars, consultations and conferences. “Laboratory studies planned for the first half of 2020 by researchers of the institute were carried out before the quarantine period, that is, in January-March. The research work is currently underway, based on the obtained results articles, patents and abstracts are being prepared.

According to him, in particular, the scientists of the institute prepare  articles for the Azerbaijani Wikipedia, as well as contribute to the development of this direction. To do this, the Department  of Patent Research and Analysis of Scientific Information of the Institute provides the necessary information support to researchers.

Farzaliyev said: “This year competitions will be held to stimulate the development and formation of young scientists and specialists, doctoral students, dissertators and masters of the Institute as scientists. He said that the competitions organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists are dedicated to the 97th anniversary of the national leader H.Aliyev, the 75th anniversary of ANAS and the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives.

The director of the institute noted that the official website of the institute ( also continues its activities on the Internet and regularly publishes in 3 languages ​​news about events taking place at the institute, in the country, as well as in the world.