Warning: Cyber fraudsters create fake websites similar to the official website of Azerpost LLC


Given the large number of appeals received from citizens and the unawareness of most of them, as a result of which they become victims of cyber fraudsters, the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies once again warns the population about fake websites launched on behalf of Azerpost LLC.

Thus, a group of cyber fraudsters create fake sites similar to the official website of Azerpost LLC in order to obtain funds illegally. Their target is citizens who sell various goods on the pages of online stores. Cyber fraudsters write to these citizens from fake WhatsApp numbers as buyers and ask the seller to enter the bank card details by going to the fake site created on behalf of Azerpost LLC to make payment. When the citizen follows the link and provides bank card details, the funds on the account balance fall into the hands of cyber fraudsters.

The Electronic Security Service warns citizens to be extremely careful in the cyberspace, not to fall prey to such cyber frauds. Thus, Electronic Security Service urges citizens not to follow the links indicated in messages from strangers, and to perform any operations by manually entering the web address of the organization’s official website on a new page opened in the browser.

It is to be noted that the real buyer in no way redirects the seller to any website to make payment, does not require such data as CVV / CVC (three-digit code on the back of the card) and card expiration date. All the seller needs to do is to provide the card account number or current account number for the buyer to pay.

Citizens who have believed these notifications and have already provided their bank details must immediately notify the bank of which they are clients and restrict the withdrawal of funds from their accounts.

Also, if you are faced with such a situation, please contact the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies via the website www.cert.az or e-mail reports@cert.az.