The Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS discussed the reasons for the victory in the Patriotic War and the lessons learned

On June 11, 2021, at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS, with the participation of the Primary Territorial Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists and the Trade Union of the Institute, an event was held on the theme “The reasons for the victory in the Patriotic War and lessons learned”, dedicated to “June 15 – Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People” .
Opening the event, academician Vagif Farzaliev, director of the institute, honored the memory of our heroes who died defending our territorial integrity. He noted that our independent republic actually suffered defeat in the First Karabakh War with Armenia supported by foreign patrons. Due to the incompetence of the government and the rebel group, the army was destroyed and the economy collapsed. With the return of national leader Heydar Aliyev, at the insistence of the people, to power in June 1993, first of all, civil war was prevented, army construction and economic development began. Therefore, speaking about the reasons for the victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, first of all, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the “Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People”. According to Farzaliyev, the greate management skills of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev brought our country to the level of a powerful state in terms of military, economic and political achievements, ensured the unity of power and people, the unification of all forces in one “Iron Fist”.
He said that the main lessons that we learned from the 44-day Patriotic War were that we had to be always united, we had  always to pay attention to the families of our martyrs and veterans who brought us this great victory, provide material and moral support and finally, be vigilant against the intrigues of the Armenian armed forces.
According to him, 14,250 manats were voluntarily transferred to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund during the War, and now a voluntary campaign has been announced to collect donations to the Yashat Fund.
Chairman of the First territorial organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) of the Institute, Ph.D. Veli Kazimov explained the reasons for the June 1993 events, the factors that led to the return of national leader Heydar Aliyev to political power and the subsequent rapid development in all regions of the republic, ultimately liberating 20 percent of our occupied lands.
Deputy Director of the Institute, Member of the NAP Board, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev said that there were many reasons for victory in the Patriotic War, but it was important to note the patriotic youth who won a great victory under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief : “We are talking about young people who were born during or after the First Karabakh war, saw and loved the occupied regions and villages only on video and photos. No matter how much we bow before them and would be grateful to the parents who raised them, we will always be indebted to them ”. A.Sujayev said that everyone, from a scientist to an ordinary professional, from an intellectual to an ordinary citizen, should learn from the results of the Patriotic War for himself and his entourage: “We must never forget that we have a bloodthirsty, despotic neighbor. From this point of view, the Victory Museum and the War Trophy Park are an excellent tool for us and future generations to remember what we have gone through.”
He stressed the need to create joint platforms for cooperation in the field of science, as well as in any field with countries that supported our country in the Patriotic War. “As the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS, our recently expanded cooperation with Turkey in basic science, applied science with Pakistan and Ukraine, which supports us to the maximum extent out of objective necessity, has led to excellent results,” he added.
Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ICA, Ph.D. Sabiya Osmanova and the chairman of the Trade Union, Ph.D., Associate Professor Elkhan Isakov  noted that such information events were very useful for young people.