Another meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives was held

On February 28, 2024, the next session of the Academic Council of academician Ali Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of  Additives  of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held. At the meeting, elections were held for the vacant position of the scientific staff of the laboratory “Fuel compositions” institute. Jafarova Ulduz Shamseddin gizi was nominated for this post.
The general director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliev asked the leading scientific employee of the laboratory, Nusrat Aliyev, to speak about the candidate. N.Aliyev emphasized that Ulduz Jafarova had a great scientific potential and was going to complete her thesis submitted for the doctor of philosophy degree. According to him, Ulduz Jafarova has developed as a highly qualified employee and her activity has brought great benefit to the laboratory where she works.
As a result, according to the final results of the secret voting of the members of the Academic Council, U.Jafarova was approved for the position of scientific employee of the “Fuel compositions” laboratory.

U.Jafarova, thanked the management of the institute and the members of the Academic Council, expressed that she would justify the great trust shown to her.