During the quarantine period 8 articles by scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS were published in journals with impact factor


The activity of the employees of  ANAS Institute of Chemistry of Additives  for the first half of 2020 was satisfactory. According to the head of the Laboratory for forecasting scientific research in the field of patent research and chemistry of additives, Ph.D. in chemistry Minakhanim Musayeva, a significant part of this reporting period coincided with the quarantine period in connection with the coronavirus pandemic: “Despite the fact that, due to circumstances, our scientists had to stay at home, they continued their activities. During this period, employees of the institute published 16 articles, 5 of which were in national, 11 in foreign journals, 8 of them in journals with an impact factor. The number of references to these papers in the world made 124.”

M.Musayeva noted that during the reporting period, the Center for the Examination of Patents and Trademarks received applications for 5 inventions and 5 positive decisions were made regarding the publication of the invention.

According to the head of the laboratory, more than 30 scientific materials were studied, the participation of the institute staff in a number of conferences was ensured: “Thus, the institute staff submitted 39 abstracts to 6 republican conferences and 1 abstract to 1 foreign conference. In particular, the youth of the institute took an active part in online conferences held by the Baku Higher Oil School and Sumgait State University.

Musayeva also noted that in the first half of this year, 93 articles were prepared and placed in Wikipedia.