Executive Director of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS won the “Victory Award in Science – 2021” competition


The award ceremony for the winners of the “Victory in Science Prize – 2021” competition was held on November 11 at the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Foundation reports that scientific works of Azerbaijani scientists and young researchers were considered in the competition for the first time. The competition committee, consisting of scientific and pedagogical personnel of universities, heads and specialists of research institutes, as well as heads and representatives of large organizations and enterprises, identified the most interesting and relevant scientific works of scientists and young researchers.

At the event, the executive director of the Foundation Mehriban Imanova thanked the members of the expert commission, which objectively assessed the winners. She congratulated the winners and noted the high level of their scientific work.

The winners’ score tables were demonstrated at the event. They were awarded certificates, diplomas and cash prizes.

Sinam LLC, the general sponsor of the competition, provided the winners with computers and tablets.

The winners expressed their gratitude and stressed that the competition should be held regularly in the coming years.

It should be noted that the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and the World Islamic Organization for Science, Education and Culture (ICESCO) organized the “Victory in Science Award-2021” competition in 2021. It started in October. Examination of scientific works included in the competition was carried out from October 12 to November 5. The results of the competition were announced on November 10. The first place in the competition was taken by an employee of the Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS Elchin Huseynov, the second place was taken by employees of Academician Ali Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives  – executive director Afsun Sujayev, leading researcher Emin Garibov, employees of the Baku Engineering University Shahriyar Mukhtarov, Jeyhun Mikailov, Sug, Vugar Muradov, and the third place was taken by Shamo Tapdigov, employee of the Oil and Gas Research Institute of SOCAR, Elchin Jafarov, employee of the Institute of Physics of ANAS and Joris Van der Jogt