An article by chemical scientists published in a prestigious foreign journal


An article entitled “Investigation of the Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Nanoparticles Associated with the Rutile Phase” by the Head of the Department of Environmental Chemistry of Baku State University, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Sevinj Hajiyeva, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Associate Professor Elmina Gadirova and Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute chemistry of additives. Academician A.Kuliyev of ANAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Afsun Sudzhaev was published in the prestigious Journal of Molecular Structure (

In this work, the photochemical removal of a phenol solution was carried out in the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles with a rutile phase, the physical and chemical properties of these nanoparticles were studied, and some important results were obtained.

The Journal of Molecular Structure with an Impact Factor of 2.5, included in the Web of Science database, is one of the Q1-rated journals dedicated to the study of molecular structures in chemistry.