ANAS Institute of Chemistry of Additives held a preliminary discussion of masters’ dissertations


On June 4, 2020, a preliminary discussion of the dissertations of second-year masters studying at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences took place. The discussion was attended by the Deputy Director of the Institute for Science, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev, Scientific Secretary, Ph.D. Mehpara Safarova, Head of the Department of Education, Ph.D. Sadagat Shamkhalova, members of the Masters Thesis Defense Committee, supervisers and relevant laboratory staff.

The event discussed the dissertations of second-year undergraduates in Organic Chemistry Lala Aliyeva and Nargiz Maidi, who successfully completed their research and scientific-pedagogical practice in 2019/2020 academic year.

Masters made a presentation on the topic of their dissertations and gave detailed information about their research and the results obtained. Discussions were held on topics, and young researchers answered questions.

At the end it was decided to submit  masters’ dissertations for the main defense.