Academician Ali Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan annually expands international scientific cooperation with the Ataturk and Bartin Universities in Turkiye. Joint international research which begun in 2014 continues at a new stage. As a result of bioorganochemical research towards the creation of “new generation inhibitors of some pathological processes of a living organism”, dozens of important results were obtained, published in the form of more than 50 articles in journals with a high impact factor, stored in prestigious scientific databases around the world.
Important results of joint scientific research conducted by leading scientists of the institute together with colleagues from Ataturk University in Turkey are presented in the next article in the journal “Chemistry and Biodiversity” of the world famous Wiley Publishing House with impact factor of 2.9 (category Q2) in the Web of Science database and impact factor 3.9 in the Scopus database (Vagif Farzaliyev, Adem Ertyuk, Malahat Abbasova, Oruj Nabiyev, Eliz Demir, Hatice Kyzyltash, Afsun Sujaev, Ilhami Gulchin, “Synthesis and inhibitory effect of new alkoxymethyl derivatives of diheterocycloalkanes on carbonic anhydrase and acetylcholinesterase”, 2024, e202400296, https://doi org/10.1002/cbdv.202400296).
According to the institute information the article is devoted to the synthesis of new alkoxymethyl derivatives of 1,3-diheterocycloalkanes, which can find wide application in various fields, such as industry, medicine, biotechnology and chemical technology, as well as the study of their inhibitory effect on carbonic anhydrase and acetylcholinesterase enzyme isoenzymes. As a result of detailed research by scientists it has been found that new derivatives have an effective inhibitory effect on many pathological processes in living organisms.