Azcloud in data center launches a new service


Azcloud, which operates in the data center of AzInTelecom LLC under  the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, has launched a service Archiving as a Service (AaaS).

This service provides various companies and organizations with the possibility of reliable and profitable storage of their data.

Thanks to the archiving service offered by cloud services Azcloud, it is possible to compress data up to 2.5 times. This, in turn, allows one storage medium to store up to 15 TB of data.

In addition, by purchasing tape memory, customers will be relieved of heavy costs for data amount.

Unlike external storage media, this service allows data storage up to 30 years. Moreover, at any time it is possible to search for this data and check its integrity.

This service also differs from the Backup as a Service (BaaS). Thus, Archiving as a Service, provided for data that is stored for years and rarely used, provides long-term storage of large amounts of data.