Online meeting with doctoral students and dissertators studying at ANAS Institute of Chemistry of Additives


Online meeting with doctoral students and dissertators studying at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS has been held. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current state of the distance learning at the Institute, as well as scientific research, current problems, as well as future prospects during the period of quarantine connected with COVID-19.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Director for Research, Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev said that  in accordance with the main priorities of  “ANAS National Development Program for 2020-2025″ at the Institute there  would be implemented  a number of measures: improving  management, modernization of scientific infrastructure, certification of researchers, training of scientific personnel, improving quality of scientific activity assessment system, further development of international relations, development of jointly organized, mutually beneficial cooperation programs. He emphasized the importance of staff training at the ICA, as well as at any research institute, and the institute leadership`s activity in this area. According to him, there were awards for promotion of young scientists and specialists in the field of science, as well as various competitions among doctoral students, dissertators and masters. A.Sujayev noted that doctoral students and dissertators could devote more time to scientific and practical research in order to timely defend their dissertations. He said that for integration into the world science, each doctoral student and dissertator should have paid special attention to the work in the international search sites, the creation of scientific pages and  profiles, publications of important papers in prestige journals.

A.Sujayev stressed that in the format of the future seminars at the institute there would  be introduced specific changes, and interactive discussions on topical issues responding to the modern challenges would be organized for doctoral students.

The head of the institute noted that similar meetings with doctoral students and dissertators would be held regularly, and they could be able to solve all the problems