The role of integration in the field of science and education


The Ministry of Science and Education will support initiatives and steps forward in this area

What should be the modern model of the university, what features of development should it have? How should it  react to the challenges of time? So, what steps should the sphere of science and education take in order to contribute to the strengthening of the country’s competitiveness?

Answers to these questions can be found in the speech of the Minister of Science and Education, Emin Amrullayev, at  ANAS meeting last week. In fact, the messages conveyed to the scientific and educational community in the speech are relevant and thought-provoking. At what stage of the development of science are we? Will we be able to develop science and education together, achieve a lively integration of these spheres and create the necessary foundations for this?

Consolidation and rationalization

Speaking about the organization of science in Azerbaijan, Minister Emin Amrullaev in his speech paid attention to the issue of consolidation and rationalization as one of the most important issues and noted that several steps had already been taken in this area: “When we talk about rationalization or under consolidation, sometimes, unfortunately, there is in the sense of combining or canceling something. However, we are talking about the consolidation of the scientific product. We must admit that one of the main reasons why Azerbaijani science is not visible in the world is that it is divided into very small parts. In this sense, one of our initiatives in the field of both science and higher education – our consolidation initiatives should be continued».

As the most obvious example of this initiative, E.Amrullaev pointed to the signing of agreements between several higher education institutions and research institutes: “Our main goal is to unite the science of our country and integrate it more correctly. Science cannot belong to individuals. If we want our science to be seen in the world, we need to strengthen internal cooperation and consolidation a little. Science is the area of cooperation. There is no science without cooperation. The Ministry of Science and Education will also support initiatives and steps in this area”.

New financing in science

It was noted that one of the important issues was financing: “We are moving to a new system of financing in the field of science, personal financing. The main thing is that there is a change, and in accordance with this change, the system of higher education is developing in another direction».

The minister especially emphasized that as a result of capitation financing mechanisms, the number of students in universities increased compared to 2012: “This is undoubtedly due to the increase in financing. It also means that the more students study at the university, the bigger its budget. At the same time, this leads to competitiveness”.

Access to scientific bases

Speaking about the competitiveness of science, the minister noted that one of the most important things done in this direction was that all scientific institutions of Azerbaijan, including higher educational institutions, had  gained access to Scopus  and  Web of Science databases. E.Amrullaev expressed confidence that this not only pleased our students, but also helped  them work better in practice. The minister added that the issue of allocating 8 million manats to improve both scientific research and science in universities within the framework of the MSE from 2024 had already been decided. “If we see any results in exchange for these funds, we will create basis for increasing these funds in the future.”

The Minister noted that specific tasks for increasing the competitiveness of higher educational institutions are defined in the “Strategy of social and economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2026”. It is planned that 3 universities of our country will be among the 800 best universities in the world in the ranking of 2026. Currently, two universities in our country were ranked between 1100-1200 and one university between 1200-1400 last year.

E.Amrullaev added: “ We are in favor of the fact that the allocated funds will be aimed at evaluating the work of scientists and their work in higher educational institutions. These scientists don’t have to work in higher education institutions. Agreements concluded between scientific and educational institutions allow this institution to finance the scientist’s salary”.

The minister also added: “We want to move from the “We will reward you if you write an article” model to the “Let’s allocate funds so that you write an article” model. “I think  this is a very important change and one of the areas that we want to change this year.”

Sharing his opinion about publications, the minister noted : “We plan to finance separate journals and articles within the financial system. There are two approaches here. On the one hand, we recognize the autonomy of the higher school and respect its decisions. We recognize the right to make decisions for the higher school. On the other hand, the academic council of the higher school must determine whether it wants to spend the available funds on scientific research or on a double diploma. If we spend money on research, we will control it within the framework and according to the rules that we have determined».

The Turkish path in science

Speaking about the development of Azerbaijani science, Emin Amrullaev noted that many Azerbaijani scientists worked  in higher educational institutions in Turkey. “These scientists are people who once left Azerbaijan. And our scientists, living in Turkey and other countries, express their desire to contribute to our universities with or without returning. Many people come to Azerbaijan. One of the shortest paths to the development of the Azerbaijani science is cooperation with Turkish higher education institutions from the point of view of distance, language and the residence of Azerbaijanis there, as well as infrastructure. We must admit that the funding mechanisms for scientific projects by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) are several years ahead of our existing systems.Integration into the system is one of the shortest paths to development if we want to achieve any results. Together with TUBITAK, we will be able to ensure the integration of Azerbaijani higher education and research institutions into Turkish research platforms in the shortest possible time. That is, if there is funding  on a mutual basis, an Azerbaijani scholar can contribute his efforts. This means additional financing. We, as the Ministry of Science and Education, are ready to provide funding for scientific projects with the help of TUBITAK”.

The rejuvenescence of scince

One of the important moments of Emin Amrullaeva’s speech was connected with the involvement of youth in science. The minister noted that instead of making promises, we should had given them the authority and sufficient funding so that they could do something. From this point of view, the minister draw attention to the state programs for education abroad, implemented by the corresponding decrees of the head of the country. He noted that graduates of our program and postgraduates had already started returning. “The main question is what are the returnees doing? We must ask ourselves this question, and this question must have a practical meaning. The corresponding amount of investment in their education was invested from the State Oil Fund. If we sent a student to study abroad, we must provide appropriate work and responsibilities to those who return. This should already give its results».

…from word to action

At the end of his speech, the minister said that the main thing was to turn words into deeds. “I believe that during this period our science will go forward on the triumphal page of the history of Azerbaijan. It doesn’t matter whether it is the young or the older generation, all the victories before Azerbaijan were won together and in solidarity, regardless of the age and affiliation of the people. In our science, I think that the victory we will get will be the result of solidarity, unity, mutual dialogue and understanding”.


We learned the attitude of our young scientists to the opinions expressed at the ANAS  General Meeting.

“It is necessary to create strong research groups and attract young people who have received education abroad to this process”

 Aygun Azadova, doctoral student of University of Essex of UK

-I am familiar with the issues discussed at the General Meeting  of ANAS. I believe that it is very important to emphasize the issues of conducting quality research, stimulating young scientists and involving them in this process. Because these are important moments that stimulate the development of science. I think that one of the important factors is the beginning of the process of turning our universities into research universities and giving a research focus to the newly created universities. If we look at higher education institutions in world practice, we will see them clearly.

Firstly, higher education institutions must work freely, and there must be an environment and conditions for conducting free studies. Second – financial question. Without financing, the university will face difficulties that directly affect education and research.

Here I would like to note one point in the matter of finance. In addition to allocating funding to universities, universities should also be able to seek funding. In order to create such opportunities and skills in our universities, I believe that we should create strong research groups and attract young people who have received education abroad to this process. For example, the University of Essex has a separate research institute for social and economic studies, and the teachers of each faculty have the opportunity to apply for grant projects for their research. In other words, it should be emphasized that universities have such skills.

“There is a greater need to create a complete unity of science and education”

Konul Kahramanova, doctoral student of academician Ali Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives, Ministry of Science and Education

– In recent years, in the field of science and education in our country, there has been a greater need  to speed up the process of integration into world science, to create a complete unity of science and education, and certain works are being carried out  in this direction. Many scientific institutions, research universities and scientists have already been granted access to global scientific databases and world electronic scientific libraries.

Minister of Science and Education, Emin Amrullayev, during his speech at the General Meeting of ANAS, emphasized that all-round support should be given to young people in science, and noted that it was more important to give appropriate powers and jobs to graduates who had studied abroad. In order to improve the quality and quantity of research in scientific educational institutions, the factors that increase interest in science are also the introduction of a new financial system and an increase in the salary of scientists who are distinguished by their activity in science.

I believe that in order to ensure the integration of Azerbaijani science into world science, it is important to create international laboratories in research institutes in priority directions, to attract young scientists to joint international research groups, to direct them to our famous scientists abroad, countries for short-term and medium-term internships. At the same time, there is a shortage of specialists in the existing laboratories of scientific research institutes who are well versed in modern devices and equipment. It goes without saying that time and financial support  are necessary to eliminate all these shortcomings.

The construction of new schools on the lands liberated from occupation, the establishment of the Karabakh University in Khankendi and other steps aimed at the development of science and education within the framework of the “Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Corresponding Decree of the President of the country, gave hope.

“International cooperation is very important for the development of science”

Orhan Karimzadeh, Associate Professor of ADA University, graduate of the State Program

– Thanks to the State Program, the educational system of Azerbaijan and the level of scientific research are enriched by foreign experience and adapted to international standards. When the graduates of the program return to the country, they contribute to the social and economic development of Azerbaijan, applying innovations in various areas. This also opens the way to increasing the competitiveness of Azerbaijan on the international arena and strengthening its scientific and technical potential.

Providing research grants, promoting knowledge and innovations, stimulating scientific research and developing innovations that contribute to the economic and social development of the country are vitally important to the country. Grants will provide financial support to scientists and researchers, giving them the opportunity to implement new ideas, projects and make scientific discoveries. This will lead to an increase in the country’s scientific potential, the introduction of innovative technologies and methodologies, and, as a result, an increase in the country’s reputation in the international scientific community.

Along with grants for the development of science, it is necessary to give importance to the development of researchers. International cooperation is very important for this. An important step in this process is the organization of Azerbaijani scientists living abroad, the direction of the forces and potential of the scientific diaspora for the development of the country. Azerbaijani specialists from different countries should gather together, share their knowledge and experience, and implement projects of scientific cooperation. Thanks to this, connections among Azerbaijani scientists abroad will be strengthened, and their connections with scientific research institutes, universities and scientific centers of Azerbaijan will be facilitated. This cooperation will open the way to the application of innovative approaches to scientific research in the country, modern methodologies and technologies acquired abroad. As a result, the strengthening of the scientific base of Azerbaijan, the adaptation of scientific research to international standards and the integration of the country with the world scientific community will be accelerated. This organization will also play an important role in stimulating scientific research that contributes to the economic and social development of the country, the enrichment of innovative and technological development with advanced world experience.

Oruj Mustafayev